Terrific Teacher and Terrific Terrapin


This week’s Terrific Teacher at CREECS is Mrs. Leslie Shumard!

Mrs. Leslie has many wonderful attributes and is an important part of our CREECS family. Her top character traits are that she is hard-working, loving, patient, reliable, and outgoing.

Congratulations Mrs. Leslie!

Leslie Shumard

Congratulations to this week’s nominees for Terrific Terrapin. They are Dillon Crescenzo, Cooper Poston, Benjamin Treptow, Lilyan Reid, and Josh Lewis.

This week’s winner was Cooper Poston and here is what was said about him:

“Cooper always comes to my classroom with a smile on his face and a “ready to learn” attitude. His manners are impeccable and I can always count on him to be respectful to his teachers and his peers. He’s a true “Southern Gentleman” and his kindness and positive attitude will take him very far in this adventure, called life. Perhaps, the most amazing thing about Cooper is that he always tackles every challenge, head-on. You will never hear Cooper complain about a task or assignment. He simply accepts the challenge and perseveres. When the going gets tough, Cooper gets going and doesn’t look back. I know the competition is fierce, but Cooper Poston takes the cake! This is why he should be this week’s Terrific Terrapin.”

Cooper Poston

Way to go, everyone!

Joachim Treptow