Terrific Teacher and Terrific Terrapin


This week’s Terrific Teacher at CREECS is Mrs. Abby!

Ms. Abby has many wonderful attributes and is an important part of our CREECS family. Her top character traits are that she is passionate about animals and math, helpful, hard-working, well-balanced, and determined. Congratulations, Ms. Abby!


Congratulations to this week’s student nominees for Terrific Terrapin.  

They are Nate Lewis, Everett Seed, and Kendall Simon.

This week’s winner is Kendall Simon and here is what was said about her:

“It is clear to me this student takes humble pride in their definition of self. This student lifts those up around them rather than bringing them down. In a time easy to use excuses as a crutch, this student has held their head high and extended a helping hand. I imagine a world with more people willing to do the same. What a different world this would be! Their creativity, kind soul, and determination is carving the way for a bright future and anyone lucky enough to be around them. So, thank you for being the terrific person that you are.”


Joachim Treptow