CREECS 2017-18 Transportation Enrollment is OPEN
Dear CREECS Families,
Coastal Bus Line LLC is happy to announce its ongoing partnership with Cape Romain Environmental Education Charter School. As CREECS’ preferred transportation provider, Coastal Bus Line will continue to offer private academic busing services to Mt. Pleasant families in the 2017-18 academic year.
You’re probably wondering, “How much?” and “What do the routes look like?” For pricing information, please take a look at the image below. Our rates are based on a 180-day school year, and this year, we are offering 25% discounts for siblings and one-way travel. As for routes, the tentative Transportation Schedule follows. We will refine this schedule as enrollments come in and send a finalized schedule prior to the new school year.
CREECS-1: Take in 6:42 AM - Take Home 3:45 PM @ Tuesday Morning, Side Lot
CREECS-1: Take in 6:52 AM - Take Home 3:35 PM @ Wild Wings at Oakland Market, Rear Lot
CREECS-1: Take in 7:00 AM - Take Home 3:27 PM @ Tractor Supply
CREECS-1: Take in 7:22 AM - Take Home 3:05 PM @ CREECS